Club History

The Monaro Car Club of SA had humble beginnings in the early 70's in the Mt. Gambier area until its official incorporation in mid 1978 in Adelaide. A small group of enthusiasts paved the way into the 80's where a strong membership base began to form. Over the years, drag racing emerged as one of the more popular events, as the cars were dubbed bad boys toys ! Around this time, the club developed a somewhat "wild" reputation amongst the car fraternity. Memberships dipped in the early 90's and turned around with a successful show for the 25th anniversary of the Monaro held in '93, but signaled the end of the "old" club, and the start of the new.  By 1995 the club became one of the fastest growing clubs around and still continues to be so. A friendly social atmosphere was created, where members could meet other people with a common interest. By '97 we were running our own very popular race meetings at Adelaide International.Raceway along with special events every couple of weeks attracting dozens of cars. 1998 saw the club "come of age" with the large core of members enjoying plenty of media attention and excitement as the mighty Monaro turned 30 years old ! By 2000, the new coupe was just around the corner, along with a new breed of admirers ready to pledge their allegiance. Many of them have or will join us, and as the old cars get rarer and the new ones get better, the future looks quite bright indeed !!!